Revolution – Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme Free Download

About Revolution – Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme Free Download

4.2 – 07.02.2021On the 28th of July 2021, we released Version, which fixed Mobile Menu override and WooCommerce product link issues. Moving back in time, on the 22nd of May 2021, we released Version This version fixed single column blog element and Product elements not properly showing “Sale” products. On the 10th of May 2021, we released.

Version which added columns option to Locations element, Sub-Header Font setting, and fixed double “woocommerce_before_shop_loop” action. Our prior release was on the 1st of April 2021, where we released Version 2.4.5 which prevented scroll on.

Cart & Checkout notifications, added blog meta settings to theme options, fixed image slider element “prevent lazyloading” option and other minor fixes. On the 15th of March 2021, Version 2.4.4 was released which fixed page transition not triggering animations.

On some browsers, added Adaptive Height toggle to Free Scroll element, updated plugins, removed Instagram related elements & widgets, and added “Ignore LazyLoad” option to Image Slider element amongst other minor fixes. Lastly, on the 18th of February.

2021, we released Version 2.4.3 which had the ability to override Mobile menu inside Theme Options, “revolution_carousel_slides_scroll” filter and also fixed Blog Post element ajax loading issues. Prior to this release was Version 2.4.2 which was released.

On the 7th of February 2021 which provided fixes to the mentioned areas too!.

Revolution - Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme
Revolution - Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme
Revolution - Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme
Revolution - Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme
Revolution - Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Revolution – Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme Free Download, links below:

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