Portfolio Awa Theme Free Download

About Portfolio Awa Theme Free Download

0.2 – Fixed Menu Item font sizeThe AWA plugin has come a long way since version 1.4.6, with WordPress 5.8 Compatibility being added, customizer issues fixed, WooCommerce templates updated, and TGMPA plugin paths updated. But it doesn’t stop there! The AWA team kept on improving the product with version 1.3.0 introducing 4 NEW Home pages, 2 New Portfolio.

Pages, updated Premium Plugins, and minor bug fixes to optimize productivity. Version 1.2.0 saw increased productivity and bug fixes related to Theme options, menu on mobile devices – while version 1.1.8 fixed the footer and version 1.1.7 fixed the import.

Demo data. Further improvements came with version 1.1.6 fixing the menu mobile trigger bug and version 1.1.5 adding an online documentation – while version 1.1.4 fixed the menu item font size and version 1.1.3 fixed the customizer, and version 1.1.2 fixed.

The menu. Version 1.1.1 saw the importer being fixed, while version 1.1.0 added a NEW full screen video page, NEW kenburn zoom page, NEW modern slider page, NEW exhibition page, NEW style for theme options and NEW description for options of shortcodes.

Was added to improve user experience. Finally, version 1.0.5 saw a widget importer being fixed and version 1.0.4 added a new style full images to portfolio details – while version 1.0.3 fixed price adding to the page, page navigation and added an option.

For hide/show search icon feature!.

Portfolio Awa
Portfolio Awa
Portfolio Awa
Portfolio Awa
Portfolio Awa

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