HomeWordpresscvCard WP - Responsive WordPress Resume Theme Free Download

cvCard WP – Responsive WordPress Resume Theme Free Download

About cvCard WP – Responsive WordPress Resume Theme Free Download

CssModernizrjQuery FlexSliderjquery.mb.YTPlayerOwl Carousel PrettyPhotojQuery WaypointsjQuery AppearjQuery ParallaxjQuery EasingjQuery animateNumberGoogle MapscvCard is a modern, responsive vcard theme with an eye-catching Sliding Horizontal Layout. It’s packed with amazing features such as HTML5, CSS3, jQuery powered Responsive Design, Retina-ready.

Visuals, Cross browser compatibility, and an optimized performance for mobile devices. The portfolio is filtered with a solid ajax portfolio details page and a custom styled-mobile optimized lightbox, both of which support images and videos. It also has.

A blog with post formats, self hosted HTML5 audio/video, and responsive video embeds in various aspect ratios (youtube/vimeo). Plus, it has Cross browser styled form elements, is optimized for retina screens, has 4 predefined styles and over 50 awesome.

CSS3 effects for portfolio page in-out animations. It also has a working ajax contact form with validation, 30+ popular social icons, 600+ Google Fonts, Custom Settings Panel, SEO ready, Google Maps ready, Google Analytics ready, and Translation ready.

(.po file included). All of this comes with extensive Documentation & Support Forum Credits such as jQuery, jQuery Migrate, Bootstrap, Normalize.css, Modernizr, jQuery FlexSlider, jquery.mb.YTPlayer, Owl Carousel PrettyPhoto, jQuery Waypoints, jQuery.

Appear, jQuery Parallax, jQuery Easing & jQuery animateNumber.

cvCard WP - Responsive WordPress Resume Theme
cvCard WP - Responsive WordPress Resume Theme
cvCard WP - Responsive WordPress Resume Theme
cvCard WP - Responsive WordPress Resume Theme

cvCard WP – Responsive WordPress Resume Theme Free Download, links below:

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