About Sale Breakthrough Watercolor Font Free Download

Now for a limited time, 25% OFF!!I’m so excited to release this product, I can’t even contain myself! I have been working diligently for months and am so thrilled to share this revolutionary new product with you!Introducing BREAKTHROUGH, an installable hand painted watercolor font. That’s right. With the proper software, you can not only type in watercolor,.
You can type my hand painted elements! Every letter, every element, was hand painted on paper by me-and then carefully scanned, cleaned up, and transferred into software that allows you to type in color!! This allows you to create digital pieces that.
Have a truly authentic look!Now, before purchase, you have to make sure you are using the correct software. I am a HUGE Ps CS6 fan, and I actually had to breakdown and start using Ps CC 2017 to create and install this font. If you are not using the latest.
Version of Ps, just update and you will be good to go. This is an OpenType SVG font and will show up in your glyphs panel. This font will show up only in apps that are compatible with color bitmap fonts, like Adobe Photoshop CC 2017.0.1 It comes as a.
Special OpenType .otf font file, in which each character is encoded with two image formats: OpenType-SVG and SBIX. Please don’t purchase if you are on a lower version, you WILL NOT be able to use my product! If you haven’t already, you can always grab.
A trial version of Ps CC 2017 here :https://creative.adobe.com/products/download/photoshop?promoid=KLYUZWith your purchase you will receive both BREAKTHROUGH and BREAKTHROUGH PAINTINGS. BREAKTHROUGH is an all caps aqua and blue watercolor font with punctuation.
BREAKTHROUGH PAINTINGS is a 26 piece set of coordinating watercolor elements to BREAKTHROUGH. Simply unzip the file, open and install through Font Book (or similar app) and open in Ps. You can then start creating with both the font and the elements. You.
Can resize and position the elements after typing to create your own unique piece. Due to the nature of the coding, the hand painted pieces will not lose their quality when enlarged. This is an amazing technology for people who don’t have the time to.
Paint, or don’t like dragging and dropping PNG or EPS files. Need more help understanding color fonts and how they work? CM recently had a great blog post that covered just that topic. You can learn more by clicking here: https://creativemarket.com/blog/color-fontsLearn.
More about color fonts & their support in third-party apps on www.colorfonts.wtfI think that’s about it, but before I go, I have to give a hand to Franz over at Fontself…without his amazing technology I couldn’t offer you this amazing product. You can.
Visit his website here : https://www.fontself.com and find him on CM here: https://creativemarket.com/fontself I will forever be humbled at the amount of designerd brains out there who make this job so cool.PS: Font preview is currently disabled below.
For color bitmap fonts (but hopefully coming back soon once your favorite Creative Market and browser maker have implemented color fonts ;).
Sale Breakthrough Watercolor Font Free Download, links below:
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