Bow – Clean Photography Portfolio Theme Free Download

About Bow – Clean Photography Portfolio Theme Free Download

7</strong> 18 December 2015- Add option to show or hide search box- Add option to show or hide social share on single post- Update Framework Core to Update Bulk Installer to 2.5.1File Changed :- style.css- functions.php- inc/option/coreBow is an elegant and modern WordPress theme, designed to showcase your photography in the most professional.

And visually appealing way. It is completely responsive, adapting to all types of screens and devices – desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile – so your photos will look amazing on any device!Bow comes in three different versions: image background, video.

Background, and content slider. What’s more, it offers a ton of features like responsive design, unlimited colors, SEO optimization, sample content, logo upload option, typography options, and page templates for about, contact, home image, home slider,.

Home video, and work.On top of all that, Bow has been updated with fixes for 404 page and framework core to as well as bulk installer to 2.5.2 – so you can be sure you’re getting the best of the best!.

Bow - Clean Photography Portfolio Theme
Bow - Clean Photography Portfolio Theme
Bow - Clean Photography Portfolio Theme
Bow - Clean Photography Portfolio Theme
Bow - Clean Photography Portfolio Theme

Bow – Clean Photography Portfolio Theme Free Download, links below:

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