Anon – Multipurpose Elementor WooCommerce Themes Free Download

About Anon – Multipurpose Elementor WooCommerce Themes Free Download

It’s time for an upgrade! Anon Version 2.0.x is here and ready to be explored! With this fresh version, users have the option to switch to Clever WooCommerce Builder for creating layouts. Plus, the July 09, 2023 release of Version 2.2.7 includes improvements to style and WooCommerce 7.8.2 compatibility. Not to mention, this version of Anon comes with.

Premium plugins included! Save up to $179 with Clever Facebook Messenger Live Chat, CAFE – Clever Addons For Elementor, Clever WhatsApp Chat for WordPress, Clever Mega Menus for Elementor, Clever WooCommerce Product Filter, CleverWooBuilder and CleverSwatches.

Furthermore, Anon is now compatible with 3rd party plugins such as Dokan Multivendor Marketplace, WC Vendors, WC Marketplace and WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace. Finally, you can now manage your WooCommerce store from the frontend with WooCommerce.

Frontend Manager. Anon is a truly multi-purpose theme that will make your watch store, men store, women store, clothing store, furniture store, bookstore, cosmetics shop or luxury jewelry and accessories store stand out from the rest.

Anon - Multipurpose Elementor WooCommerce Themes
Anon - Multipurpose Elementor WooCommerce Themes
Anon - Multipurpose Elementor WooCommerce Themes
Anon - Multipurpose Elementor WooCommerce Themes
Anon - Multipurpose Elementor WooCommerce Themes

Anon – Multipurpose Elementor WooCommerce Themes Free Download, links below:

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